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County Beginning Trail Master Plan

Nov. 14, 2020

We’re very excited that Yamhill County has begun the Master Plan for the trail! The county has contracted with Alta Planning and Design to draft the plan. Alta is a national leader in active transportation planning, design, engineering and education.

This Master Plan will answer many of the specific questions people have had about what the trail will look like, design of trailheads and trail crossings, estimated costs, and how adjacent landowners’ concerns will be addressed.

The process includes robust community engagemen, including a project website, open houses, and a Project Advisory Committee made up of governmental and private stakeholders, including adjacent landowners, school districts, user groups and emergency services.

Specifically, Adjacent Landowner Engagement is intended to establish collaboration and coordination with adjacent farm owners and operators in order to mitigate and minimize perceived and potential impacts to farming from use of the rail corridor as a trail.

The plan is being paid for by a $122,280 Transportation Growth Management Grant through ODOT. Friends of the Yamhelas Westsider Trail provided $16,674 in matching funds, eliminating the need for the County to provide any cash outlay. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to FYWT and made this grant match possible!

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